clarks creek is to be preserved and enhanced
clarks creek is to be preserved and enhanced

The mission of the Clarks Creek Watershed Preservation Association (CCWPA) is to preserve, protect and enhance the environmental integrity of Clarks Creek, and to advocate the conservation and sustainability of its natural resources while promoting restoration and safety within the watershed.

How to Join the CCWPA

We welcome your membership and your participation! Our Association has been organized to operate exclusively for charitable purposes, including but not limited to the promotion of good stewardship of the waters and natural resources in the Clarks Creek watershed.

The Association will focus on projects and community partnerships that facilitate education, restoration and enhancement of the watershed, and it will actively solicit input, support and involvement from citizens, businesses, non-profit affiliations, farmers and local, county, state and federal government entities.

Types of Membership, and Costs:

  1. Individual Membership: $15 a year, due payable upon the anniversary of each payment.
  2. Individual Life Membership: $100.
  3. Business Membership: $100 a year, due payable upon the anniversary of each payment.
  4. Non-Profit Entity Membership: $25 a year, due payable upon the anniversary of each payment.
  5. Non-Profit Entity Life Membership: $150.

Privileges of Membership

  1. Each membership, no matter what its type, is allowed one (1) vote on all matters put to the vote of the General Membership by the Board of Directors.
  2. In order to be a Voting Member, a Member must be in good standing at the time of the vote; that means that the Member's dues must be paid and current at that time.

Here you can download our Membership Application form (PDF format).

For more information about membership, please see the By-Laws of the Association (PDF format).

For more information on Dauphin County and its many watersheds, including of course the Clarks Creek watershed, please contact:

Rob Frank, Watershed Resource Specialist
Dauphin County Conservation District
1451 Peters Mountain Rd.
Dauphin, PA 17018
Phone: (717) 921-8100
Fax: (717) 921-8276

You can sign up to receive our e-newsletters and e-grams by selecting the button below. You'll be kept up to date on our events, Adopt-a-Highway sessions, tours & walks, and more!


© 2011-2023 Clarks Creek Watershed Preservation Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Disclaimer.
Clarks Creek Watershed Preservation Association • P.O. Box 75 • Dauphin, PA 17018
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